The VINAHF Micro Finance Program (VMF) provides loans and support to the needy families to fight against their extreme poverty. These folks who have skills and are capable of working, but they are lacking of capital to start their business. VMF is to provide what they need to escape their poverty loops by  their own will and work.

VINAHF also committed to the “Equal Gender”, therefore, one priority of VINAHF Micro finance Program is to create the opportunities for potential women, sisters, mothers, wives who want to contribute to the family welfare and improve their life conditions.

Thanks to the dedication of our network of VINAHF volunteers, VINAHF Micro Finance, officially deployed in 2015, is one of the most successful project of our strategic and long-term ones. The process to receive the VMF free-interest loans are very simple with the supporting of the local volunteers, who also work along side with families to make sure they will be successful with the loans.

As of February 2021 – VINAHF has provided loans to 165 families with more than 90% of families have paid back on time their loans, and many successful stories on the big differences that this VMF has been making to the poor families.

About VINAHF Micro Finance Program

VINAHF Micro Finance, officially deployed in 2015 after the successful pilot program started in Quang Nam few years before. However, as the VINAHF’s mission is to help the poor, the underprivileged, the less-fortunate folks, therefore the idea of Micro Finance, how to help the poor  escape their circle of poverty, had been in VINAHF leadership’s mind since VINAHF was established.

In 2008, the first Micro-finance loan that VINAHF provided was to help an invalid woman to start a sewing shop to help the invalids in an “inner city slump” of Sai Gon.

In many charitable trips, we have witnessed how poverty created untold suffer to people, just with a little help, significant differences can be made to a family, the more we’ve seen,  the more eager and urgent that VINAHF has to do something.

Thanks to the growing support for the donors, the expanding of our volunteers, the experience gained in serving the poor, etc. Finally VINAHF committed to this strategic and long-term project, and VINAHF Micro Finance Program (MFP) was officially launched to give the poor “the fishing rods”.

Our MFP enjoys the heathy, great growth of 20% percent in last 5 years and if you support  this VINAHF Micro finance to help the poor fight against their extreme poverty, please join us.

VINAHF Micro Finance Principles

One of the key missions of our VINAHF is to help the poor fight against and their extreme poverty, to escape their poverty loops. This strategic VMF project is deployed and operated based on the same VINAHF principles:

  • To help the poor equally, fairly. VMF loans provided without any discrimination against the loan applicants because of person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), origin, age, disability or genetic information.
  • VINAHF obligately treats the poor with the upmost respect, and we put our trust in the poor’s honesty.
  • VINAHF strongly supports the fight for “Gender Equality”, “Women’s Rights” and VMF is one way for VINAHF to show our supporting policy to “Gender Equality”. Therefore, the mothers, the sisters, the daughters who want to use their skills, their labor to improve their families’ conditions are our targets to provide the full VFM support.
  • For qualified families, VINAHF only expects they will pay off the loans according to the agreed terms, nothing more. There is no condition whatsoever for them to receive VINAHF free-interest loans Any conditions associated with the loans, such as asking families to return favor, to join any organization, any group, to participate to whatsoever activities (government, politics, religions, etc.) are strictly prohibited, and that’s against our VINAHF’s policy on unconditional support the poor.
  • VINAHF volunteers who recommend needy families for VMF loans are responsible to work with, and support the families through the process from creating business plan, application, loans distribution, collection of payments, reports loan status to VINAHF, etc until families pay off the loans.

VINAHF accepts the calculated risks to provide loans to the poor, and will consider the “Act of God”, things out of their control such as disasters, plagues, pandemic to forgive the loans, and/or provide the second loans.

Success Stories

Below videos are typical samples of VINAHF Micro Finance Program’s success story.  More success stories can be found here.

Loan to raise cows
A loan of $12,000,000VND for chị Hồ thị Lực to raise cow.  From the start of the loan on April 2014 with one cow,  little over a year and half later, on December 2015,  chị Lực now has the herd of 3 cows.
Provide assistant to old couples.
VINAHF collaborates with Father Phạm văn Dũng, Father Giuse Trần Trọng Trí , Father Bang and local volunteers providing assistants to about 80 families in the isolated, rural areas at Hòa Điền, Kiên Giang near Vietnam and Cambodia border.
Loan to raise pigs
Loan to chị Thu’s family at Tam Nông, Đồng Tháp to raise pigs.  Thuý An, a local volunteer helped with loan application and processing for chị Thu’s family.
A Successful Micro-finance case
VINAHF team visit a successful case of VINAHF Micro finance Program. Chương Trình Cho Vay Vốn Không Lãi giúp chống thoát nghèo của VINAHF (CTCVKL). rất thành công với trên 90% các gia đình hoàn trả lại vốn. Nhóm TNV VINAHF đi thăm một gia đình vay vốn để nuôi bò thành công ở Quảng Nam – QN là nơi VINAHF đầu tiên thử nghiệm CTCVKL và sau đó phát triển ra khắp nơi, Tháng 12 – Năm 2019 – ​Các TNV Nguyễn Mươi – Phạm văn Dũng – Nguyễn thanh Khiết,

If you would like to support this VINAHF Micro-finance Project. Click Here

How to apply for VINAHF Micro-loans

All the applicants for VINAHF VMP loans have to work with a local volunteers who will support the families throughout the cycle from creating the business plan, to fill the applications, to receive loans from VINAHF forward to families, and volunteers will monitor the progression, to report the loan status, and collect the payments.

Volunteers are the representatives of VINAHF to provide timely support to the families to ensure their success with the loans from VINAHF.

Application Forms:

Fill online form here