About VINAHF Humanitarian and Medical Aid

As the name of our charitable organization – Vietnam Humanitarian Foundation (VINAHF) – Humanity is what VINAHF about.

Since beginning, VINAHF has established different Humanitarian Programs to help the poor, to alleviate their suffer,especially to the helpless, desperate folks living in misery conditions.

The earliest humanitarian program, when Vietnam economy was still struggling to feed people, was the monthly rice support to the unattended elders and disabled people who really counted on VINAHF food support each month to live with dignity.

For many years, more than 200 folks across the country (Kiên Giang, Vĩnh Long, Tiền Giang, Đồng Tháp, Phụng Hiệp, Quảng Nam, Gia Lai, Nghệ An, Hà Tĩnh) have relied on this VINAHF monthly rice support until this program was no longer that critical thanks to the new government policy on supporting the elders and invalids.

With Vietnam economy improves, this humanitarian program also evolves, so we can use our resources efficiently, to serve best the unfortunate, neglected elders, invalids – especially in the rural areas – with other humanitarian projects such as to provide minimum medical care for them, to help the lepers in the remote villages, to help the helpless folks survive the hardships (disasters, pandemic, illness), to build facilitiesfor centers to care for them, to give common medicines, vitamins, gifts on holidays, occasions so they don’t feel abandoned.

Khoan Giếng Nước Sạch cho một làng người dân tộc thiểu số tại một vùng xa Kontum
Tủ Thuốc Tình Thương tại Con Cuông-Nghệ An
Tủ Thuốc Tình Thương
Bữa Cơm VINAHF Cho Người Tâm Thần ở Hàm Rồng-Pleiku
Nau COm Trai Tam Than
Hòn Chông-Kiên Giang. VINAHF 2017
Tâm Thư của thầy Thích Nhuận Dương, chùa Hưng Khánh, huyện Kon-Rẫy, tỉnh Kon-tum
Trại Cùi - Buôn Trấp, Krông Ana, Daklak. 2017
Trại Cùi Eana, Krong Pac, Daklak
Quán Cơm 3K VINAHF, Thừa Thiên-Huế
Quan Com 3K VINAHF
Hoàn Thiện Một Con Đường dài 1,7km ở Tây Bắc

If you would like to support this VINAHF Humanitarian Aid Project. Click Here

Other Related Information

A writing on a long-term VINAHF Humanitarian Project to the poor

VINAHF built a facility to care for the elders at Phuoc Quang Temple

VINAHF built facilty for the blinds at Tam Kỳ Quảng Nam

Health station in Con Cuong to provide health care for the poor

This elder who has been receiving VINAHF monthly rice more than 18 years. She is 92 and still healthy.

VINAHF provide free medical exams and medicine for the poor at Hien Luong Temple Hue (2020)

VINAHF supports The Leprosy Village at Aena

Pictures of folks counting on VINAHF monthly rice support.