There is a Vietnamese saying: “An Cư Lạc Nghiệp” (for a stable life, first is the home, then a career/job), unfortunately so many poor families do not have a safe place to live, they currently live in the miserable conditions due to their deteriorate and unsafe shelters, and a decent, safe home is the family’s long-awaited dream – They can’t “Lạc Nghiệp” until they are “An Cư. Therefore, to build decent homes for the poor is a part of our VINAHF mission to help the poor as the first step to An Cư” (first the home) then depends on family’s conditions, VINAHF combines, co-ordinatewith other VINAHF existing projects (such as VINAHF Micro-finance) to help them Lạc Nghiệp” (have a job, work for income) to enable them escape their poverty loops.

About VINAHF Project to Build Home for The Poor

VINAHF started buidling home for the poor since 2008 and as of March 2021 – We have built more than 100 new homes for the poor across the country, in addition to fixing, enhancing, reinforcing many homes, and 6 new homes are being built in the VINAHF 2021 home building plan.

Besides building homes, we have also built other charitable facilities to support the unattended elders, the orphans, the invalids in Quảng Nam, Quảng Ngãi, Trà Vinh.

Consistent to the principle of no giver, no receiver, no given object of any VINAHF’s project to help the poor, after we (VINAHF) have successfully delivered homes to needy families, or the facilities to the charitable organizations, we move on and VINAHF leaves no trait, no mark of our construction whatsoever at the sites. VINAHF uses our facebook, private and public, to inform donors, supporters on each home project completion. This policy has been honored by VINAHF volunteers for than 100 constructions, VINAHF respectfully, efficiently and silently serve the poor. That’s our VINAHF’s policy.

For last 13 years, our key partnership and also financial supporter for this Home building program is Lửa Việt Youth Association.
Thanks to the dedication, experience of our local volunteers, our VINAHF homes for the poor were built with efficiency, in fact VINAHF does not build houses, but we build homes for these poor families for many years to come.

VINAHF Principles to Build Homes for The Poor

VINAHF Project of Home Building for The Poor is based on the same VINAHF principles:

  • To help the poor equally, families selected for new home are based on the fair qualifications without any discrimination against the home-building applicants because of person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), origin, age, disability or genetic information.
  • For qualified families, there is no condition whatsoever for them to receive new homes. Any conditions associated with this new home, such as asking family to return favor, to join any organization, any group, to participate to whatsoever activities (government, politics, religions) are strictly prohibited, and that’s against our VINAHF’s policy on unconditional support the poor and the underprivileged.
  • VINAHF volunteers who recommend families to receive new homes, will be responsible to work with family, with the contractors/builders and manage the project until the home is successfully delivered to the family to their satisfaction.
  • VINAHF advises the families on the best possible options. However, as we build homes for them to live, their preferences and decisions can overwrite our suggestions. We wish the family live happily in the home that we build for them, so their satisfaction, happiness are the upmost important.
  • After VINAHF silently, successfully delivered the new home to family, except pictures of volunteers taken with family, VINAHF will not leave any mark to show this was built by VINAHF, this is not only for homes but any construction, facilities built by VINAHF.

How to Apply for VINAHF Home Building

Most of the candidate families to receive the new homes have to work with our local volunteers who will support the families from the time they apply until the home is successfully delivered to them.

Building home is a complex project, especially to manage with the committed budget for the home, VINAHF local volunteers are the representatives of VINAHF to work with family, co-ordinate resources, manage the project to ensure home will be successfully delivered and family will be happy with their preferences of the new home as if they have built their homes with their own resources.

Application Forms:

Applicants can either fill up the application online or download the application form, fill up and send it by email or hand it to the local volunteers who will support this applicant in the process.

Điền đơn trực tuyến tại đây (Fill online form here)

Success Stories

From the beginning, VINAHF with the strong support from Lua Viet Youth Association, VINAHF started  this program to mainly build homes for the poor. Over time, the program evolved, with more supports from other donors, VINAHF has extended the scope to also build facilities for charitable centers, and  in some very remote, isolated  areas where roads are very critical to improve their poverty VINAHF also built roads to significantly improve the villagers living conditions, and this program is also a way to help and enable the poor to fight against their poverty.

VINAHF built the facilities for centers caring for the underprivileged and unfortunate.

In addition to build homes for more than 100 individual families, the VINAHF has also built  facilities for the charitable centers such as the facility for blind children at Mái Ấm Hướng Dương in Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam, the facility for the orphans, unattended elders at Phước Quang temple in Quảng Ngãi, the facility at A Lan Nha temple at Tra Vinh for the orphans and underprivileged children, etc.

VINAHF will continue to support the care givers’ and volunteers’ requests to build or enhance the  charitable facilities to make their caring jobs easier and to improve the living conditions of these unfortunate folks.


Góp sức xây dựng cho Trung tâm Khuyết Tật Hướng Dương (Huong Duong Disabled Center) tại Tam Kỳ, Quảng Nam


VINAHF complete the project to build an orphanage to have the facility to raise the orphans and care the neglected invalids and elders in Quang Ngai province.


The nuns and VINAHF volunteers report on a facility which VINAHF has successfully built for the orphans raised by the nuns at the Buddha Worship House – Tịnh Thất A-Lan-Nhã at Cầu Kè, Trà Vinh.

If you would like to support this VINAHF home-building project. Click Here

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