As a humanitarian foundation, Reliefs for victims, caused by man-made or nature disasters, is an integral part of our VINAHF mission to alleviate the suffers that people endure during the hardships.

Since VINAHF was found, we have done our best to help the victims in all areas of the country, VINAHF has responded effectively with our reliefs plan for any major disasters.
In fact our very first VINAHF fundraising event was to raise fund for the disaster victims.

Thanks to our local volunteers our reliefs are not much but they are very effective because VINAHF’s reliefs come to right at the most difficult time, to the most needed victims.
Our reliefs are always directly to the victims, through our local volunteers with the overhead can’t exceed 5% of the relief values. In other words, at least 95% of the donation from donors will directly go to the victims, that has been our long, established policy because in almost 20 years of operation, all our volunteers have been serving VINAHF without any compensation in any forms.

In fact, in many places, our reliefs are longer and more effective because volunteers lives in the regions and execute our “2-phase” relief plans.

How VINAHF Relief is Different with Our Two-phase Relief Plan

In addition to our “one-time” charitable missions to impacted places to provide the reliefs for the victims like other common reliefs to disaster victims. Thanks to our network of volunteers, who locally live in the impacted regions, VINAHF has implemented our 2-phase relief plan and here how the plan works.

When the disasters hit the regions, our local volunteers likely the first to respond to provide emergency reliefs before other charitable organizations can reach to the regions. Sometimes that’s the most critical moment, especially when the regions are inaccessible (due to floods, disrupted transportation), temporarily isolated from outside.

Once other charitable organizations can access to the regions with more relief, then our volunteers will suspend VINAHF relief.

When these “outsider” reliefs are done, the disasters no longer in the news, helpers are back to their life, and the disasters are likely forgotten. However damages done by disasters need long time to recover, and that’s when our volunteers will resume the second phase with the efforts to help the local victims to get back to the normal life (with the donation we have received for the relief and our limited emergency funds).

That’s our VINAHF “2-phase relief” plan where we have local volunteers in the impacted areas.

For example, the 2020 historic disasters were forgotten but our volunteers are still working in the second phase to help local victims recover and we will continue until we exhausted the relief fund.

If you would like to support this VINAHF Disaster Relief Project. Click Here

Recent VINAHF Relief Activities


VINAHF Covid19 Relief at Gia Lai
Cuu Doi Covid19
VINAHF Covid19 Relief at Saigon
Cuu Doi Mien Nam Covid19
VINAHF Covid19 Relief at Cao Lãnh
Cuu Doi Covid19 Cao Lanh Dong Thap
VINAHF Covid19 Relief at Hà Tĩnh
Kết hợp với Sr. Điểu cứu trợ Nghệ An 2020
VINAHF Relief 2021 at Phú Yên
Cuu Tro Bao Lut 2021
VINAHF Relief 2021 at Hậu Giang
Cuu Doi Hau Giang
VINAHF Relief 2021 at Quảng Ngãi
Cuu Doi Quang Ngai
VINAHF Relief 2021 at Tam Nông
Cuu Tro Tam Nong
VINAHF Relief 2018 at Sóc Trăng
Cứu trợ người mù tại Vĩnh Châu, Sóc Trăng
VINAHF Relief 2018 at Sapa-Lào Cai
VINAHF Relief 2017 at Huế
Cuu Tro Bao Lut Hue 2017
VINAHF Relief 2017 at Quảng Ngãi
Cuu Tro Quang Ngai 2017
VINAHF Tết 2017 for the Poors
Tết VINAHF cho người nghèo tại Cam Ranh
VINAHF Tết 2015 for the Poors
VINAHF Relief 2015 at Vĩnh Long
Cứu trợ Trà Ôn, Vĩnh Long 2015
Quà Tết VINAHF hơn 200 gia đình


Quán Cơm VINAHF 3K Giúp người Nghèo tại Huế

Orphans at Muc Đong Temple received needed donation during pandemic time to survive.

VINAHF Giúp Tịnh Thất ở Trà Vinh Nuôi Trẻ Mồ Côi

VINAHF Relief at Yang Mao Đông Giang 2015

VINAHF Relief In Central Vietnam Oct 2020

VINAHF Relief To QuangTri & Hue in Oct 2020

VINAHF relief to disaster victims at Krong Bong – Darlak

VINAHF Relief Trip 12/2013 – Help On The Way To Tay Giang

VINAHF relief 2018 to disaster victims at Krong Bong – Daklak

VINAHF Relief to Disaster Victims at Phu Loc – Hue 2018

VINAHF Relief At Remote Area Of KienLuong – 2011

Charity activities of VINAHF 2008