"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."

— Mother Teresa —


VIETNAM HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (VINAHF) is a non-profit, charitable, 501(c)(3) organization based in New Jersey USA.

  • VINAHF’s mission is to help the poor, the orphans, the underprivileged and the invalids who are helpless and need support to live a productive life and to live with dignity. Anyone who is living in the dire, miserable conditions, and being forgotten by the world is the target of VINAFH humanitarian projects.
  • VINAHF operates on the principle of non discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, political beliefs
  • VINAHF enables the underprivileged, unfortunate students to achieve their education dreams.
  • VINAFH committed to support for the “Gender Equality” so we seek to help the disadvantaged women with minor children, needy woman, girl students to have an opportunity to fight for their better life, to be productive in society, and that translates into a safer, healthier and more prosperous community for everyone.
  • Our priority targets are people living in the remote, rural areas where accessibility is not easy, and usually unknown to the world.
  • We support the poor, the underprivileged equally with our upmost respect.
  • Our operations will have overhead no more than 5% of the donations, and all the donation will be directly distributed to needy people via VINAHF network of local volunteers.
  • VINAHF is willing to partner or share our volunteers network, or resources with other organizations for the same purposes, to leverage, and synegize efforts to achieve our common humanitarian, charitable goals.

VINAHF Board of Directors

Full namePositionPhone numberEmail addressIn Charge of
KHIET T NGUYENPresident+1 (732) 939-5761vinahf@gmail.comDirector of Ad-hoc & Humanitarian Aid Program
CHAU HA PHANVice President+1 (647) 529-7701bschauha@yahoo.comDirector of Health Care & Medical Program.
JULIA TRIEUTreasurer+1 (732) 977-6227juliacanh@gmail.comDirector of VINAHF Micro-finance Project
THUY DUONG NGUYENStaff Member+1 (732) 865-5610gialong74@gmail.comDirector of Education & Scholarship Program
PHUC NGUYENStaff Member+1 (717) 799-2671pnguyen1119@gmail.comDirector of The Program To Build Homes For The Poor & Construction For Charitable Purposes.
PHAP VUStaff Member+1 (240) 344-6393vuphap@gmail.comDirector of Invalids & Elders and Special Need Program
DUNG VAN PHAMStaff Member+84 905-113-186dungvtx@gmail.comDirector of Operations in Central & Northern Vietnam
HOANG PHANStaff Member+84 914-191-979hoang.vinahf@gmail.comDirector of Operations in Southern Vietnam & Book Keeping

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