VIETNAM HUMANITARIAN FOUNDATION (VINAHF) is a purely charitable organization based in New Jersey USA.

VINAHF is approved by US Government as a non-profit, tax-exempt and charitable organization according to US law 501c(3).

Therefore, by law VINAHF is a non-governmental (NGO), non-religious, non-political organization, VINAHF focuses purely on charitable and humanitarian mission to alleviate the suffering, to give hopes, and help the unfortunate, underprivileged to have better life, better future.

VINAHF operates on the principle of non-discrimination with upmost respect to the poor, and giving help as “no giver, no receiver, no object given”.

Our overhead expenses is capped at 5% of the donation values.

After nearly 20 years, VINAHF has established a network of dedicated volunteers who have been effectively distributing our help directly to the needy people.

Donation from donors will be directly to the poor via many successful on-going VINAHF programs well established across the countries with the reliable, strong support from our capable, experience, local volunteers.

As a 501c(3) organization, all donations to VINAHF will be exempted to the tax law in USA.


How We Serve The Poor

Typical Success Stories


A Message of Hope

VINAHF has a scholarship program where the poor and well-deserved studends will directly get the sponsorship, care from anyone who supports this program, and who are willing to help those kids to achieve their education dreams. During the relief trip in 2009. A VINAHF representative met these students. An orphan, Luong Mot, shared his story with others. Growing up from an orphanage, with the humble help from VINAHF, he will soon be a Civil Engneer graduated from University of Da Nang. His success is a inspirational story for other students who currently in the same uphill battle to get out of their families’ poverty loops, and Mot also conveyed the message on helping each others whenever we can, with whatever we have. He promised that he would live up VINAHF’s expectation which is “To help others as the way he got helped.” His message is the Hope to other students who are being sponsored under VINAHF scholarship program, hopefully will be successful in their education dreams as he does.


Micro Finance

VINAHF Micro Finance Program provides loans to help the poor, especially women, to improve their family conditions. With VINAHF loans, they can work, use their skills to have more income for family.
This is a typical case, the woman, a VINAHF micro-loaner, is very happy because her business is going very well.
She has the third cow within less than 2 years since VINAHF loan was given to her. Helping women use their skills and labor to improve their life is also a purpose of our VINAHF Micro-Finance to support gender quality and women’s empowerment. As of April 2020 almost 170 needy families have received VINAHF Micro loans.

Orphan Supports

Visit Duc Son Temple

Among other orphanages across the country under VINAHF sponsorship, Cô Nhi Viện Đức Sơn at Huế, Vietnam (Duc Son Orphans Center at Hue) receives our regularly supports.
This video clip is our last visit to Duc Son in Dec 2019 before COVID19 pandemic outbreak.
During Covid19, Duc Son along with other orphanages has received our reliefs, along with the VINAHF commitments that these sponsored orphans would not be hungry during the tough time of lockdowns because COVID19.

For More on VINAHF Activities

 VINAHF  Charity Objectives 2024

 VINAHF  Charity Objectives 2023

 VINAHF  Charity Objectives 2022

 VINAHF has exceeded 2022 goals

  Video on The VINAHF programs

 VINAHF 10 Years Look Back (2003-2013)

 Our VINAHF President is Honored with “President’s Volunteer Service Award”